We regularly update this section with the most commonly asked questions. If you can’t find an answer to your question, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
The building code for apartments requires a minimum rating of 7 stars for an apartment. This is the current requirement to obtain a building permit, so the majority of buildings meet minimum requirements only and do no not seek better outcomes.
Nightingale aims for a minimum NatHERS rating of at least 7.8 stars for every apartment (Nightingale 1 averages at 8.2 stars, Nightingale 2 at 8.6 stars). The rating of each Nightingale building differs and depends on a variety of factors.
You can find more info on Green Travel Plans in this PDF document by the City of Merri-bek.
Because each Nightingale project is different to and independent from others, with its own planning process, there is no guarantee that a project will participate in a Green Travel Plan initiative.
At Nightingale Housing we believe that for many it is possible to lead a full and healthy life without private car ownership, and thereby reduce our impact on our cities and our planet. As such, Nightingale projects include zero or very limited parking. Each Nightingale resident is eligible for a free GoGet membership valued at $300/year.
Before signing a contract of sale for your Nightingale home, you will be asked to declare one of the following: