Frequently asked questions

We regularly update this section with the most commonly asked questions. If you can’t find an answer to your question, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Why a ballot and how does it work?

Due to the high demand for Nightingale homes, we run a ballot for each Nightingale project that helps us allocate each home fairly and transparently. Read more about how the ballot works here.

What information will I be given to help me decide whether to ballot or not?

Prior to the ballots opening, you will be provided with a resident information pack (PDF) which includes detailed floor plans, pricing and balloting information. You’ll also be able to watch the recordings of both information sessions. This will provide you with the information you require to make an informed decision. If you still have questions, while ballots are open, you will also be able to book a 1-on-1 call with a Nightingale staff member.

When do I have to commit to buying?

Entering the ballot is a commitment to buy an apartment, if offered. While it’s free to enter the ballot, it’s important that you only enter if you are serious about purchasing and that you only ballot for an apartment or apartments you are willing to purchase.

Can I decline an apartment allocated through the ballot?

If you decline an apartment allocated through the ballot, you will not be allowed to participate in future Nightingale ballots. We strongly recommend only entering the ballot with a clear intention to purchase any of the apartments you nominate.

What if I am overseas when the ballot is drawn?

No problem. You can enter the ballot, as well as sign the commitment agreement and pay the commitment fee electronically. You just need to make sure you let us know ahead of time how to contact you on ballot day or nominate someone else to accept any apartment allocation on your behalf.